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Empowerment through education; helping you understand not only what ails you but how you got there and why you may not be getting better.
Options that focus on what works best for you, taking your needs into account and allowing you to choose from a variety of approaches.
Partnering with you through coaching and guidance based on understanding your goals, concerns, fears and finances.
Individualized treatment plans that include diet modification, exercise plans, stress management, oral and intravenous nutritional supplementation and detoxification support based on the results of specialized functional testing.
Coordination of care not only by consulting with the specialists involved in your care but also helping you to understand the links between conditions that are often viewed as separate conditions by specialists.
Research shows that how we live, what we think and how we feel affect our health. While traditional medicine can help diminish the consequences of unhealthy lifestyles, integrative medicine can reverse those consequences, prevent illness and reduce symptoms. Integrative medicine addresses these important aspects of health and focuses on prevention to help you enjoy a better quality of life. It supports the body’s natural ability to heal, reducing stress and promoting a state of relaxation that leads to better health.
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